Keep the Fires Burning: Conquering stress and burnout as a Mother-Baby Professional

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Product Overview

Are you a busy mother-baby professional who is stressed to the max? Do you find the 24/7 lifestyle of always being on call for your clients, family obligations and the necessity to build a business more than you can handle? You may be preaching, ""Take care of yourself!"" to new parents, while suffering from stress-induced illness and disease. In Keep the Fires Burning, author Micky Jones provides concrete evidence of the consequences of putting everyone else's needs before your own and gives practical suggestions for taking back your life and your health.

This book covers the following topics:
-The reality of work as a mother-baby professional
-The six flames that can destroy your passion--individual stress, secondary stress, vicarious trauma, compassion fatigue, burnout, and depression
-How empathy affects your work
-How who you are, what work you do, and your sphere of influence impacts how stress affects you
-Life strategies to eliminate stress
-A personal self-care plan for home and work

If you love your work, but are stressed and/or burned out and want a balanced life, this book can help! Find out how Micky Jones found her way back to the balanced life she loves and how you can employ her techniques to make your life better.

"Micky Jones has given us a heartfelt, sensible guide that will become a veryåÊnecessary addition to every doula library, as well as all midwifery and doula and education programs."

-Barbara Harper, RN, CLD, CCCE, DEM, Author of Gentle Birth Choices

""Keep the Fires Burning is a delightfully well-written and practical guide for anyone who works with mothers and babies."

Kathleen Kendall-Tackett PhD., IBCLC, FAPA
Author, The Hidden Feelings of Motherhood

Author: Micky Jones, BS, CLD, C(DONA), HCHI, IBCLC, DFB

Copyright: 2011

ISBN: 978-0-9833075-6-3

Total Pages: 122



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