Psychology of Trauma 101

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Psychology of Trauma 101 is a concise, current, balanced, and accessible overview of one of psychological trauma. It is grounded in current research on trauma and its effects, but also considers how it is diagnosed and is treated with both conventional and CAM methods. Written by a leading researcher and clinician, Psychology of Trauma 101 is an entry-level text for students. It includes first-person accounts from trauma survivors and describes how trauma affects family members and caregivers.

"At last, an introductory college text for the burgeoning field of psychological trauma. Accessible yet scientifically based, this text covers in an outstanding way the fundamentals of trauma exposure and the psychological disorders that can ensue. Written with care and respect, this book will be an important addition to the growing number of courses on this topic. I am deeply impressed by the depth and breadth of the coverage of this important clinical and scientific field.”

—Terence M. Keane, Ph.D., Director: National Center for PTSD-Behavioral
Science Division, VA Boston Healthcare System & Boston University School
of Medicine.


Lesia Ruglass, PhD, is assistant professor of psychology at City College of New York and is a research scientist at the Trauma and Addictions Project. She is Member at Large in the APA Division of Trauma
Psychology and chair of the Diversity and Multicultural Committee.

Kathleen Kendall-Tackett, PhD, is clinical associate professor at Texas Tech University School of Medicine, Amarillo, past president of the APA Division of Trauma Psychology, and Editor-in-Chief of Psychological Trauma.