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This book is approved for 2 L-CERPs until 10-1-21. Approval number: C2002230
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Babies born prematurely–even by a week or two–raises the risk for neonatal morbidity and mortality. The Second Edition of Breastfeeding the Late Preterm Infant provides the latest information on babies born before their due dates and helps you support families who are breastfeeding late preterm infants.
Breastfeeding management guidelines for the late preterm infant, including:
—How to provide latch assistance
—How to assess feedings at the breast
—When to supplement
—How to use bottles and artificial nipples
—How to help mothers initiate and maintain maternal milk supply
—Ways to optimize milk production
—Issues faced by the late preterm infant (hypothermia, hypoglycemia, respiratory instability, hypotonia, and immature feeding skills) and their impact on breastfeeding
—Information on individualized feeding plans for moms to follow after discharge, including a sample plan
Breastfeeding the Late Preterm Infant is a must-have for all healthcare providers who help mothers breastfeed late preterm infants.
Marsha Walker, RN, IBCLC is a registered nurse and international board certified lactation consultant (IBCLC). She has been assisting breastfeeding families in hospital, clinic, and home settings since 1976. Marsha is the executive director of the National Alliance for Breastfeeding Advocacy (NABA). NABA is the US IBFAN organization that monitors the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes in the United States. As such, she advocates for breastfeeding at the state and federal levels. She served as a vice president of the International Lactation Consultant Association (ILCA) from 1990-1994 and in 1999 as president of ILCA. She is a previous board member of the US Lactation Consultant Association, Baby Friendly USA, and the Massachusetts Breastfeeding Coalition. She serves as USLCA’s representative to the USDA’s Breastfeeding Promotion Consortium, NABA REAL’s representative to the US Breastfeeding Committee, Associate Editor of Clinical Lactation, and a board member of the Massachusetts Lactation Consultant Association. Marsha is an international speaker, and an author of numerous publications including ones on the hazards of infant formula use, Code issues in the US, and Breastfeeding Management for the Clinician: Using the Evidence, 5th edition.
Author: Marsha Walker
ISBN: 978-1-946665-47-8
Copyright: 2020
Total Pages: 138
1 Review Hide Reviews Show Reviews
5 I have so far only read part of this edition but can already attest to the truth of it!
Posted by Jeannie Davis on 22nd Nov 2020
I am an IBCLC in. Pediatric practice and believe that the audience for this book should be obstetricians. Why so many inductions still? The need for stricter guidelines for diet and lifestyle in the prenatal period. This should involve education, not only of expectant parents but of medical staff!