Product Overview
The first six weeks are a crucial time for mothers and their newborn babies. Maternity Leave: A New Mother's Guide to the First Six Weeks Postpartum contains essential information for the new mother. It is a comprehensive book on the postpartum period and addresses issues that may arise affecting mothers' and babies' physical and emotional well-being. This book provides vital information for new mothers, their partners, and their families about what to expect in the first six weeks postpartum.
Such topics as:
-PostBaby Body
-PostBaby Brain
-PostBaby Cesarean
-PostBaby Breastfeeding and Breast Care:
-PostBaby Diet: Weight, Exercise, Digestion, Hair and Skin
will all be addressed, plus much more.
This is a book for and about the new mother!
Author: Cheryl R. Zauderer
Copyright: 2016
ISBN: 978-1939807434
Total Pages: 210