Product Overview
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Many women are taking back their right to choose the kind of birth they desire, realizing that many birth interventions have adverse effects on mother and baby. In this book the author presents a different choice--one without medical interventions.
What is it like to have a natural birth and what are the benefits? Author Natasha Panzer has pulled together birth stories from a variety of moms who decided to give birth naturally. The book covers:
-Birthing in a birth center
-Preparing for natural birth
-Natural birth in the hospital
-Natural vaginal birth after cesarean
-Home births
-Unexpected home delivery
The birth stories are sweet and inspiring. As you read this book, you will feel like you are right there with the mom delivering that baby, feeling the triumph the mom feels after delivering her baby naturally, and experiencing the parents' joy as they welcome their newborn to this world! The stories show that natural birth is possible in a myriad of settings, even in hospitals.
"If you are looking for confidence-building birth stories and some good tips for getting through labor, you'll enjoy reading Spontaneous Joyful Natural Birth!"
Ina May Gaskin, author of Birth Matters: A Midwife's Manifesta and Ina May's Guide to Childbirth
Author: Natasha Panzer
ISBN: 978-0-9847746-9-2
Copyright: 2012
Total Pages: 258