Recorded Webinar: The Faux Tie: When is a Tongue-tie NOT a Tongue-tie? by Alison Hazelbaker

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Product Overview

This product is a ticket to access a webinar that was broadcast March 1st, 2022


Approved for 1.5 L-CERPs. Approval number: C2022023


Originall ;ive event: March 1st, 1PM CT

75 mins



The Faux Tie: When is a Tongue-tie NOT a Tongue-tie


Has the incidence of tongue-tie gone up or are we seeing more cases of “tongue-tie” because of poor differential diagnosis? In this presentation, Dr. Hazelbaker describes the differences between actual tongue-tie and sucking issues that can appear to be tongue-tie due to structural issues that pull the tongue back in the throat. She provides the conceptual framework for such an occurrence and shows both pictures and video that help the participant grasp the differences between the two and how to distinguish a true tie from a faux tie in his or her clinical setting.
  1. The learner will be able to define true tie.
  2. The learner will be able to define faux tie.
  3. The learner will be able to describe the similarities and differences between the two.
  4. The learner will be able to list the causes of faux tie.
  1. Definitions
    1. True tie
    2. Faux tie
  2. Causes
    1. Structure function vectors
    2. Identifying the presence of structure-funtion vectors
  3. Similarities and differences
    1. Similarities between faux tie and true tie
    2. Differences between faux tie and true tie
  4. Video
    1. 3 videos showing faux tie presentation
    2. Discussion of same
  5. Treatment
    1. Treatment of faux tie
    2. Differences in treatment of faux tie vs. true tie

edit-csj-9861-linkedin-400x400.jpgDr. Hazelbaker has been a therapist for 40 years. She specializes in cross-disciplinary treatment and to that end has taken training in several modalities to best assist her clients. She is a certified Craniosacral Therapist, a Lymph Drainage Therapy practitioner, a Tummy Time™ Trainer, a Rhythmic Movement practitioner and an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. She runs a private practice in Columbus, Ohio.

Her original research on tongue-tie, done in 1993, has changed clinical practice both in the USA and abroad. She authored the Assessment Tool for Lingual Frenulum Function (ATLFF) during her Master’s Degree program. The ATLFF remains the only research-based tongue-tie screening process in infants under 6 months.

Please let us know if you have any questions. You can contact Ken Tackett (



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  • 5
    Excellent Information for me!

    Posted by Tiffany Bateman on 18th Mar 2022

    I was very impressed with this offering!! It taught me some amazing new information to debunk a lot of the obsession with tongue, lip and Buccal ties. Thank you!

  • 5
    The Faux Tie: when is a tongue-tie not a tongue tie

    Posted by Regina Covington on 13th Mar 2022

    Fantastic presentation. Very informative. Alison is very knowledgeable in tongue ties and clearly recognises that tongue ties are not at simple use they are made out to be. Many suspected restrictions to tongue function can be addressed using non invasive bodywork reducing the need to perform an unnecessary frentomy. Equally, frenotomy on its own is not the answer for many babies, some manual therapy is also needed to achieve optimum results. Having a world leader in the field of tongue ties reinforce this will hopefully help to spread the message to other healthcare professionals who can go on to support parents appropriately

  • 5
    Simply amenazing!

    Posted by Paola Velázquez on 7th Mar 2022

    Me expreso mejor en español. Simplemente me maravilló la nueva información y quiero aprender más. Les escribí a mis colegas con quienes suelo referir a mis pacientes con posibles frenillos para que tomen el curso y tengamos un mejor manejo con nuestros pacientes. Intervenir primero con terapias alternativas y, si no se resuelve, entonces valorar una frenoctomía. Gracias por el espacio!!